Jon Jackson

About Me

I am a web developer and recent graduate of the Engineering Immersion Program through Thinkful. Coding is a great career fit for me because I thoroughly enjoy creating and researching solutions that bring life to new and existing ideas.

I am a creative person, whether through coding or through my passion for music. I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Education and a Master of Arts in Music Composition. I am a percussionist and enjoy playing all genres of music, as well as creating my own compositions and seeing them come to life.

I am excited about working on a team with other developers and designers. Please feel free to browse through my projects or to contact me by using the links below.


Here are some screenshots and descriptions of some web development projects I have made. Click on the links below the screenshots to see the live page for each site.

A guide for Advanced Placement Music Theory class! Contains Topic Overviews and graded practice Quizzes to help high school students succeed on the AP Music Theory Exam.

This project utilized React, Node/Express, PostgreSQL, and HTML/CSS.

SpaceR is an application designed to help users memorize words in a foreign language using the evidence-based learning technique of spaced repetition to provide an interactive learning experience for the user.

A foreign word is displayed on the screen, prompting the user to type in the English translation of the word. The user then receives feedback on their answer - whether it was correct or incorrect. The foreign word is then shuffled back into the "stack" of vocabulary words. Words that the user translated incorrectly are shown more frequently than words that were correctly translated in order to reinforce learning of the vocabulary.

Created by Jon Jackson and Dana Zinatbakhsh, SpaceR was developed with React, Node/Express, PostgreSQL, Supertest, Mocha, Chai, Cypress, and HTML/CSS. This app also includes user authentication through JSON Web Tokens.

Digi-Doodle is an application that uses Canvas and to re-create the classic game, Pictionary. A user signs up with a username and is automatically navigated to an avaliable game. Players take turns drawing and guessing the corresponding prompts on the screen. When the prompt is answered correctly, the drawer is awarded 2 points and the user who guesses correctly receives one point. The first person who reaches 15 points wins the game!

Built by Sophia Koeut, Michael Weedman, Jon Jackson, Austin Tumlinson, and Daniel Kent.

Technologies used: HTML/CSS, React, Restful API, Cookies,, Jest, Enzyme, Node/Express, Mocha, Chai.


You can reach me by email at! Also, please find my GitHub and LinkedIn profile pages at these links:

Link To Github Profile Link To LinkedIn Profile